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Salvaging a craft project....

Well my sister, Dana, and I salvaged our decorative ball project. We did not attempt the paper strips again, but instead painted two styrafoam balls bronze and then raided Mom's button chest. :) I think it turned out very well!

Here some pictures of  the process.

We pushed toothpicks into the bottoms of the styrafoam to make painting them easier. This was Dana's idea...she's a genius.

Here the balls are getting done! Painting was the fastest part of the project.
Here is the ball drying...we added more toothpicks to balance it.

I went through Mom's button stash and yanked the buttons that I liked the best out. This small pile is not enough to cover the ball. I had to go back several times and find more buttons that I liked.

I just hot glued the buttons onto the ball. Most of the buttons I used had knobby backs on them, so I pushed them into the ball first then removed them. Added glue and then pressed the button back into place. Easy Peasy!

 Here the ball is about half done. You can see it really starting to take shape, especially when it's next to the unbuttoned ball. :)

So here's the completed button ball! I love how it turned out. The other ball was just wrapped in jute. I have 1 more of each type of ball to make and then I need to figure out what to do with the last two balls. I got this dish from the Salvation Army Store in Manassas and I love how it looks and feels in my room!

Here are some close-ups of the button ball. I love the variety of the buttons. Mom had a lot of vintage buttons and I think the old mixed with the new look awesome together. Oh and a side note: the pearls you see randomly placed to fill some of the smaller spots are buttons that were left over from when Mom made my wedding dress. Yay!

This is a close-up of the jute ball, just so you can see how the ends were finished. A very simple project that takes little skill and very little time. Perfect for when Harrison is napping! Now I just need to get more jute, because I ran out :(  

I'm linking up to the following sites:
The Girl Creative

I'm also participating in this Blog Hop, check it out at The Crafty Girl Workshop

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day!


  1. Cute idea. Yeah for you and your sister coming up with a way to save your project and use the buttons! I have a bunch of buttons that belonged to my grandmother. Hmm, thinking. Thanks for linking to my blog!


  2. Love this! I've been wanting to do this with silver buttons. Now I just hafta! You are clever and creative.
