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Hey everyone! I know, it's been a while. I took a hiatus last week since I was on vacation back in VA, which was marvelous. So nice being back home with the family. :-) Things here have been...interesting? Challenging? I'm not really sure what the right word is. Probably a combination of several things.

Here's the deal, Mike was diagnosed with Celiac disease a few weeks back. This was a huge surprise to us because, well, he's just a few years shy of 30 and hasn't ever shown any issues with gluten before. I mean, heck, we eat pasta like it's going out of style! As I said, it's been challenging, but we're beginning to adapt. We've found a lot of helpful sites online, but it's still a major life change. I am trying to view it as a culinary challenge, however.

For instance, I found some things online that said you can make your own rice flour. Okay, great! That's--as I've recently discovered--a staple in a GF pantry. I made some in my food processor, but the brown rice flour still had a gritty texture, and the way my processor was exuding heat afterwards was worrisome. Then I had another thought: That blender I hate.

I killed my blender a few years ago when I accidentally knocked it off the counter, so a friend gave me a spare one that she had. Go figure. It doesn't behave like I like, though, so I almost never use it and, therefore, don't care if I burn it out trying to make rice flour.

Wonders never cease. That crappy little blender did a great job on the brown rice I poured down into it. I used the chop setting and had to move the blender around to get the rice/flour to move after a while but it turned out so well! And it's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying it. A two cup batch took me no more than ten minutes to finish.

Wish me luck as I venture out into this new world.

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