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Not missing those Oreos.....

Do you remember that for Lent I gave up my Oreo late night snack?

Well, I've been good. I have not had any Oreos at all. I've been so good in that regard.

What I've not been good at is night time snacking. And I say this as I munch on a plate of the hub's so delicious nachos. Mmmmmmm...Nachos.

I love nachos. A whole bunch.

Should I be eating them at 9 at night. Nope, probably not.

Do I care? Not really.

Why don't I care? Well I don't have a good reason.

I know I should have a healthier late night snack, but that's not what I'm craving. The hubs got up and made himself some nachos and asked if I wanted in on that action. Um....Hell yea I do.

This is why the hubs and I are not great health cheerleaders for each other. This is also why the hubs and I are not gym buddies.

Today I logged my 2nd under 13:00/mile run today. It was 1.01 miles and I clocked a 12:59/mile. It counts!

I thought I'd be more  pleased with myself, but I'm not. I was frustrated at the gym today.

People were sitting on the machines! Not using them, granted some of them were being used, but most of them were occupied by people waiting for the next class to start. SO AGGRAVATING.

So I didn't get my weights in. No matter - I'll just get my run in and call it a day.

I don't usually go to the gym in the afternoon, but Dev wanted to go to the gym with me and H. So I pushed off my regularly scheduled morning gym routine for the afternoon. The boys had a great time at the gym, which was great and I'm glad that they had time together at the gym and with their friends, but I wish my experience had been better.

My shoe decided to munch on my sock about 1/2 mile into my run, and then caused a blister. The blister encompasses most of my heel and hurts so bad. It was so bad that I had to take off my shoe to drive. Sigh.

At least I powered through and finished the mile, even though I wanted to do 2. Tomorrow I'm going to do 2.

Oh and Dev said he wanted to go running with me, so I may ask him tomorrow if he still wants to run with me and maybe he and I will do 2 miles or so tomorrow.

So I'm going to enjoy my nacho-eating-night and get back to the healthy tomorrow morning with some oatmeal in the morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever used the free-weights for your weight routine? There is lots of research that shows that using free weights are much more effective than using the nautilus-type machines - I know I definitely feel it more when I go for the barbells/dumbells! Just a thought! :)
