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Couldn't Be Simpler

I don't know if I'm the only person like this, so let me just ask: Have you ever met someone and just instantly known that you wanted to get to know them better. You spend all of ten minutes with that person and know you'd get along scarily well. That's happened to me several times in my life; I was just overcome with a desire to spend time with that person. Unfortunately, after that comes the awkward part where I want to say, "You and I should absolutely hang out, get coffee, whatever." That's right, I want to unabashedly ask people out on dates. I've restrained myself only because I'm pretty sure that would creep those nice people that I just met out. Maybe I should, though. Am I missing opportunities? I don't know. Maybe I'll think on it.

Anyway, why am I talking about this? Because I had an experience like that the other week. A new girl joined our team at work, Angel. In the first fifteen minutes together, Angel gave me a new recipe for a beer quick bread. Oh yeah, we're going to get along just fine.

Here's the recipe:

Easy Beer Bread
3 cups self-rising flour
1/2 cup sugar
12 oz beer

Mix all the ingredients together, pour into a greased loaf pan, and bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

*Add shredded cheese if desired

That's it! Mike left the room to get something and the bread was in the oven by the time he came back.

I mixed the dry ingredients first so as not to over-mix the batter. That's raw sugar in there, not brown.

Tadaa! So easy. I used some sharp cheddar in this loaf because that goes really well with beer.

I was so happy with the recipe, I did it again ASAP with hard cider in my mini-scone pan. Charming and delicious.

Guys, seriously, it doesn't get any easier. Try it! You probably have everything you need in your kitchen already, and it'll barely take you any time. Good with a fried egg and cheese, dipped into soup, anything. Enjoy!

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