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Don't be a Moron

I really should listen to myself more often. Well not the self that talked itself out of bringing her running shoes with her to the gym today. I'm only planning on doing a mile today. My cross trainers will be fine for that. They have insoles. I wear them all the time for zumba. A mile will be fine. 


A little more than a tenth of a mile into my run, my left knee starts screaming. Then the right knee starts. I swear my knees could be my children. When one starts, you know the other one is going to start up soon. 

Sigh. So I power walked, jogged, and limp ran my mile. I'm not disappointed by the fact that I got it done, I'm disappointed that I did something so dumb. I should have brought my running shoes. My knees don't hurt when I wear the proper shoes. 

Zumba was terrible because of how much pain my knees were in. I probably should have left after my knees started really giving me trouble, but again....I'm a moron. 

Oh well. I started a new 5k routine and I think  I may be able to stick better to this one than the last one. There are Sunday runs in this one and I figure Devlin and I can get our runs in together. He's really been wanting to go running with me, so I figure I can accommodate him. :) 

Besides if I start him running and wanting to exercise and stay in shape maybe those lessons will stay with him into adulthood. I think if I had stayed active in track and cross country I might not have put on as much weight as I did. Of  course, those sports are also what helped destroy my knees. Its a vicious circle. :) 

Oh and in other breaking news. I've gained back 4 pounds. Its not a whole  lot, but its enough to make me realize that I can't slack off. I need to stick to my routine and tough it out. I could try and blame my period or hormones or stress, but in reality does it matter what the cause is? I gained it back. I'm going to have to lose the  pounds again. Plain and simple. 

So tomorrow is another zumba session. A friend of mine needs to go over her routines and I actually really like doing zumba more than once a week, so I'm game. I'm going to move the run that I'm supposed  to do tomorrow to Friday and just bang out 3 miles so I can stay on track with the new 5k program. Saturday is supposed to be just 10 minutes of general strengthening and then Sunday is 2 miles. 

Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your no nonsense attitude about working out and losing weight! Good luck!
