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In a funk....

My posting has been waning in recent weeks, and I apologize for that, but in reality I don't have anything to share. Not really.

I've finished my spring mantle so I could share that, but that would require me to remember to take some  pictures. I need to remember to do that.

The truth is though; that I just don't have any  motivation. Or any cash to spend on extras.

The hubs was laid off on Jan. 9th, and we figured that we'd be ok for a bit, but here it is the end of March, and while he does have some possibilities, nothing firm has crossed our doorstep.

It also doesn't help that Virginia is having some trouble getting their ducks in a row to pay us his  unemployment. Oh it's coming.......but when is the big question.

So we've been conserving. A lot.

But when it rains it pours, right?

I'm just feeling blue. I haven't been in my sewing room in weeks. I should. I've been more regular about the gym, and that's  making me feel awesome, but I need to get out of this  funk. I'd feel better.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get in  there, and finally finish my mom's Christmas gift. Nothing says I love you like a gift that's 3 months late. ;-)

Anyways...that's all that is going on with me.

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