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Bring on the Lysol

Hey guess what guys???


Effing terrific. Ugh.

Good news........I'm down to 262.

Bad news.......its because I haven't eaten anything more than ramen for like 4 days.

Why.......because my throat hates me. It actually felt like my throat was closing up on the left side. My lymph nodes were so swollen that the  left side of my neck was tender to the touch. It hurt to cough, talk and swallow.

Made for a very quiet house. typing has never been better and thank god for all of the IM capable devices in this house. Most of the conversations between the hubs and Iwere over IM. My oldest and I also had a conversation over notepad. I'd type out my questions he'd read them aloud and then answer them. Nothing like getting more reading  practice in right? The youngest and I also developed a grunting, snapping fingers and pointing system of communication. It was not as effective as typing.

My throat is still sore, and its still painful to swallow, but I can talk, like Minnie Mouse, and my appetite has returned, sort of.

I can't eat as much as I did on Monday, which in the long run is probably a good thing, because I was still in the habit of overeating a bit.

The bad news. My meal schedules are all over the place. I need  to get back into eating breakfast with the kids and not with the hubs at 10:30/11 o'clock in the morning. Lunch does not take place at 2 pm. I also need more water, because of the congestion and lack of ingesting anything - I am DEHYDRATED.

My lips - let's just say the Sahara looks better than them right now.

So the course of action for right now is this:

Today - enjoy my mom's birthday! Relax. take it easy and recuperate.

Tomorrow - Clean my house, nothing to strenuous. The hubs will be helping with this. Also relax and not over do it.

Monday - Taking one last day off from the gym. If I do go - light weights all over

Tuesday - Jog 2 miles. Take  my time.

Wednesday - ZUMBA!

Thursday - 4 miles - we'll see how this plays out, and weights

Friday - rest

I had planned on doing an 8k next weekend, but silly sister scheduled her vacation up her for the wrong weekend, so instead we will be running a 5k on St. Patrick's Day.

This will probably work out for the best because it will give me another week to get back up to full potential. Provided I don't get sick again.

Bring on the Lysol.

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