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Bringing Back Sunday Dinners...

I don't know how to begin this post. I have wanted to post about dinner food, because I love to cook. I love setting the table with the good china and silver. I love the work and time involved. I love all of it the prep and eating, not the dishes.

Growing up we (my sisters and I) spent a lot of time with our great-grandmother on her farm. At one point, Rt. 15 just south of Gordonsville housed 4 different members of our family in a 3 mile stretch. 3 of us lived in a one mile stretch. It was wonderful. I remember waiting eagerly impatiently for my aunt to come home from school (she's eight years my senior) so that I could hang out with her. I remember getting her in trouble with my great-grandmother because she refused to make me an ice cream float when she was making herself one. I was one of those children, at least to her. She's the closest thing to a big sister that I've ever had. I'm the oldest of the great-grandchildren.....all thirty-odd of us, which is scary because I'm 28. The youngest great-grandbaby is 9. I'm almost done with this rambling, because I do have a  point!
Dinner after we got through
with it, but before dessert

On Sundays, my great-grandmother would host Dinner. The family would come down and we would eat. A lot. Sometimes twenty of us would show up and Gee (what we called her) would gladly cook and feed all of us and her food was terrific. The.Best. Gee was the manager of two cafeterias (Green Springs High School and Elementary) and she baked fresh home-made bread every day for the students. It was her recipe. From.Scratch. Her bread was d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s. Unfortunately, she died in 1994 and took, among a slew of other golden qualities, her bread recipe. Sunday dinners also fell by the wayside a bit. Bet (Gee's youngest daughter and my grandmother) has hosted numerous dinners and get-togethers and has even come as close as humanly possible to replicate Gee's bread recipe, but it's not quite the same.

So a little while ago, my mom and I were talking and I said I'd like to having Sunday family dinners again. She agreed. So on the first Sunday of every month, Mom hosts family dinner. The third Sunday is my day. So today was my first dinner (last month had a baptism schedule on my day) and I wanted to share with you all what we had! I'll include recipes tomorrow and Tuesday for what we had, becaues this post is already long enough.
Sweet-Tea Ribs!

The Menu:
  • Sweet Tea Ribs
  • Lemony Potato Salad
  • Peas & Pearl Onions
  • Hummingbird Cake

It was all delicious, and we are all happily in a food coma now.  I decorated the table for Mother's Day, a tad very early, but it's pretty. Even if I do say so myself! So here are some pictures from tonight for you guys to enjoy!
Dad with H and Mom with Dev

A Generation Skipped!

My Stephen. He poses so nicely for the camera.

I hope that I haven't bored you all too much with this post, but family is the most important thing on my list, and I wanted to share with you just how much they mean to me. I just happen to show my apprecaition by feeding them!

I'm linking up to:
The Girl Creative
Have a wonderful Sunday and try to enjoy your  Monday!


  1. Those ribs were amazing... the amount of scrubbing it took to clean the dish, not so much.

  2. your great grandma sounds like a special lady! I love family dinners. They are such a great time of fellowship! Your menu looks delish... totally out shines my lunch of cheese and pretzels! :)

    What are the silver jar/candle things? did you make those? love them!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"
