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Well...It almost worked - an etched monogram.

I love the fact that monograms are so in right now. I have a big 'ole B in my kitchen right now, but you can't see it unless you're getting ready to a) either do laundry or b) going into the garage. I like where it is....I just think I should have more B's in my house :) Which brings me to my next project. It's not completely unsalvagable, in fact, I think my next idea for it will work quite nicely. If I can ever find looking glass paint. {grumble}

So here's what happened.  I cut out a stencil from repositionable contact paper, and then laid it on my glass. I used the backing paper as a guide so that I lined up all the separate pieces of vinyl correctly. Then I sprayed the glass down with frosted glass.

After the paint dried, I removed the contact paper with a crafts knife. Then I cut a piece of burlap to fit the frame and assembled everything accordingly, and this is what I got.

Not exactly the look I was going for. The B looks great and exactly as I thought it would, but I also thought it'd be darker? Oh well. I am still going to hang it up with the rest of my mirrors. :)

Here is hanging on the wall. I still like the effect, but it's barely visible.

 All of my mirrors, and the paint chip for the color I'd like to paint my hallway/foyer area. Don't they just look fabulous together? :) The mirrors. The collection started off with the oblong oval mirror that was my grandmother's. I've just been slowly adding mirrors to it. It's taken a bit to find mirrors that work together. :)

Like I said, I think looking glass paint will help with the etched visibility, and it would also coordinate with the rest of the mirrors on that wall.  At least I'll have more post material. :) I'm beginning to think that I need an Ooops label. :)

I'm linking up to:

I hope you enjoy your day!