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Random Thoughts...

Daddy was goofing around with
Dev's viking helmet from McD's
First I must celebrate! Harrison is celebrating his half-birthday today! Yay! I can't believe my little guy is 6 months old has flown, now on to the rest of the post...but be warned....H is going to be joining us in this post in honor of his half-birthday!

So I was blog surfing today, like I do every multiple times a day, and I have noticed that almost everyone makes their own patterns for clothing. I am feeling left out. 1 - I cannot draw...if you want stick figures, well stick figures that have legs that aren't attached, then call me. 2 - I guess I am not brave enough to try......or maybe I lack the imagination and/or creativeness to actually design a piece of clothing from scratch.

Trying to crawl...
he's got the position down!
So that's what I was thinking about most of the day....I think I am missing out on something by not creating my own patterns, but then while cutting out a baby outfit today, I remembered a line from Gone in 60 Seconds....Donny says it to his driver's ed student. I'm going to paraphrase but basically he says, "I can't swim, I know I can't swim, so I keep my behind out the damn pool," and I smiled when I thought of this, not only because I could picture the scene when he said it but also because its what I do.

Playing with a super-expensive toy....
an empty pepsi bottle!
I am not comfortable straying far from the path when it comes to clothes. Window treatments, other accessories, wood projects, scrapbooking, card-making, etc...I will adjust and tinker with until I'm happy with the product, but clothes? Nope, it's not going to happen. I am not comfortable changing them unless it's to lengthen them and that's just a straight line alteration, easy. Then I realized that while everyone can follow a pattern, not everyone is good at matching patterns/colors/themes and fabric types. I like to think that I am good at those things. My mom thinks I am (and, yes, I know she's my mom, but still it counts!) and other friends have come to me for advice, and maybe they are just being nice or maybe they are like me and have to talk everything out (I look crazy when I go craft shopping by myself....good thing the boys are usually with me so I can pretend I'm talking to them) :) So I have made myself feel better....because while I may not know how to make a clothing pattern from scratch....I can put together colors and patterns in a way that its unique and works.

So now back to my project. I was having some problems deciding which project to do next on my lengthy to-do list, and I have decided to remove my project list from the blog, because my actual project list is about 8 miles long, and I keep track of it in my head, which is probably why I have trouble sleeping some nights. :) So on to my current project. This outfit is going to be a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e! It is for my friend's baby girl. I don't often have never made an outfit for a baby girl, as all of my friends and I have baby boys (up until recently). Boys are fine, but there is just so much more for girls. I know you all know what I'm talking about too, because it's not just evident in patterns, but also in the stores. Gobs and gobs of girls stuff and about -> <- this much for boys.

So back on friend's baby girl is adorable, with crazy hair and bright blue eyes. Dev calls her Pink Baby, and Pink Baby shares the same birthday as Harrison. In fact she is about 2 hours older than H. Now both babies were delivered in the same hospital and by the same doctor. My friend and I went to the same practice, and what's weirder is that we weren't friends until our babies had been born and we were talking about our birth experiences on a BBC. To weird, huh? Happy half-birthday to you, too, Pink Baby! So anyways, I am making her an outfit, because I can and she is one of two girls born to my group of friends. Mom claimed my other friend's baby girl as her gift receiver, but she doesn't know it yet. :)

I am very excited to finish this beauty and maybe I can convince Pink Baby's mom to bust out her sewing machine. I am also excited because I picked up the rest of the fabric that I needed to make a new duvet and sham set for my bedroom redo! You can't beat $9/yd with an additional 60% off....especially when I ended up with 12 yds! I can't wait to start that redo! I also have several other furniture related projects in the wings....only if I had more time, or more arms. More arms would definitely be more helpful.

Til next time, enjoy your day,


  1. Pink Babies Mama4/02/2010

    I am so excited to see the new project completed!!! I am also glad we found each other on such a ridiculously large online community! Pink baby and H are going to have so much fun together, in fact, lets meet soon so PJ can show him how to crawl and make your life that much more interesting too.....

  2. I love to hear about a fellow sew'ers triumphs and defeats because I am right there with you most of the time. Can't wait to read more. New Friend Friday.

