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Updating the Menu Board

Not a lot of space to write...
So everyone is getting into menu planning right now, and, for once, I am ahead of the curve. I have been planning our menus for years. As I'm sure all of you know, it makes it so much simpler to do your grocery shopping and to keep track of your inventory. I am taking, and joining the rest of you, it one step further to actually plan out what meals are on what days. Before I would list all of our planned meals on a notepad that was attached to our fridge, and then we could just pick and choose what we felt like making and mark it off after it was made. Very high tech.

It's not a bad menu,
we just don't use it.
We also have had a dry erase board on our fridge for things that we needed to get next grocery trip....but the two of them did not look good. I mean, my fridge, is for goofy photos, drawn portraits of our family, self-portraits of my husband, and a host of magnets for the kids to play with. All of them look Terror.if.ic, but I'm going to consolidate my mess. The grocery list board and the menu planning notepad are no longer on my fridge...well the notepad is, because well you never know when you need paper, but the blah looking silver dry erase board....gone. So on to the show!

I didn't do anything spectacular really for this new menu area, but I'll still walk you through it.

I made this menu board a few years ago, but it rarely gets used. So I removed the wooden letters and sanded it down to remove the rough spots.
Oops, didn't mean to break the E.
I fixed it though.
 Gave it a quick coat of ORB and let it chill.
Mmmm....sparkly, shiny. I love ORB.
I found this list over at How Does She? It's perfect for what I want to do, but small. My frame is 11x17, that list is letter size. I tried expanding it and well I had a big gap both top and bottom. Hrm, what to do? Open up Photoshop and transform it to 11x17. Bingo!

Printed it out and then headed back downstairs. I trimmed off all the white on the page, and then used the mat board that I had in the frame originally as a backing, but with the edges trimmed you can see the mat board behind it. Time to pull out the ruler and center it. At least the chalkboard paint makes a nice contrast to the green, and it was free. :)

A quick spritz of some spray adhesive to the back of the planner and then back onto the mat board. Pop everything back into the frame and write-out my ever-growing grocery list. I also added some notes to dates that I know are coming up.'s kind of boring. Functional, but boring. I look up to my hidden pile of fabric under the desk, and know exactly what this little gem needs. Some fabric rosettes.

I sort through some a lot bags of fabric, and decide on a chenille-type upholstery fabric and a texture-y (is that a word?) plaid. I eyeball the placement for the rosettes then realize I have not plugged in my hot glue gun. Well, sigh, I don't want to wait for that to heat up. Oh! I have Gorilla Glue Super Glue in my kitchen! It works in 30 seconds, just perfect for my lets-hurry-up-and-get'r-done attitude! Ok, I sound a little to much like an ad, but I blame the fact that tomorrow I get to start shopping for my bedroom.

Now she hanging up, ever so pretty, on my wall, and my fridge looks a little less cluttered. :)

I hope you guys will check out my Blog Frog community. I started it this week, and while I'm still learning to navigate it, I hope you guys will join me and discuss what's going on crafty-wise with you!

I also think that when I hit 74 followers I'm going to have a give-away. Why 74? Why not? In reality, my grandmother is turning a certain age and it seemed like a perfectly good reason. :) I know what I want to give away; I'll just have to get the wheels turning on that one to get it done. So tell your bloggy-friends about me and it'll speed up the process!

I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day!

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