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Template design is hard....

So I got tired of the look of the old template so I decided 3 days ago I would 'design' my own. It looked fabulous in Photoshop! Making it look that good in real life........HARD, but I finally got the basic look down.  I have some more tweaking to do because the font sizes are screwed up....but it's up! Yay, me! To all of you that do design templates...KUDOS. You are far more talented than I, and probably less stressed about it. I completely feel like these last 3 days were some of the most frustrating. The basic design probably took about an hour....the rest of the crap on the other hand.....oh my. I wanted to give a shout out to a blog that helped saved me. I looked at every tutorial and then followed the ones I wanted meticulously (the three column, button, menu, and background). Thank you April Showers Blog Design!

Here's their button:

Go check them out....they've got a great site!
In other, more fun and productive news, PJ's dress is almost done....Well I lie...the dress is done. As are the panties, but the hat is not. I am not going to post until its almost  100% done! I'd like to give it to PJ and her mom on I guess it's a good thing this blog design mess is out of the way. :)

Enjoy your day!!!


  1. Does this mean when I am working on websites in my study and I tell you "I don't know how much longer it will take" you will understand what I mean and stop getting frustrated with me? :)

  2. I do understand that....but I did this while watching kids ;) Could explain why it took 3 days. LOL :)

  3. Looks real good, hon.

  4. Looks great! I just struggled through photoshop to give myself a blog makeover ;)Visiting from NFF!

  5. @Brittany - I actually learned a lot about photoshop from doing digital/hybrid scrapbooking. It was amazing and if I didn't know how to do something or mom-brain struck then I'd ask my hubby or google it. :)

  6. well it came out fabulous! love that little tab fo the date on the side- cute detail. :) visiting you from few friend friday. hosting a Target gift card giveaway over at our blog - if you get a chacne to stop by.

  7. Your design is adorable! Great job! I completely know how you feel about how it looks great in Photoshop, but then you get it in, and realize you need to do SOOOO much tweaking to make it look like it does in photoshop! I completely redid my one blog (out of the notebook and into the blog) to make it look more custom, and April Showers helped me soooo much!

  8. I love all her tutorials. I also liked some of the freebie templates, but I had already decided what I wanted to do.
