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Could've sworn it was Friday .....

Today did not start off well.

At 7 am, I realized that I locked my keys in my car last night. After frantically searching the house for an hour, I broke down and called a locksmith. While I was searching and feeding the baby, my dear sweet hubby was trying to break into our car. No go. $70 later the locksmith found my car keys in the baby's car seat.

After that I check on my lamp project only too find that the porcelain glaze I put on it did not work with the spray paint. Valspar must've really meant business when they said latex only, so I have primed and added the first coat of pain to the lamp base, again.

The dishes are not done. I didn't do them last night, because when I finally got home with the boys I was too tired to do them, so they are still, very kindly, waiting for me in my sink.

In addition to the dishes not being done, my kitchen is a mess, and it's my fault. I haven't put anything away from my excursions yesterday. Bad Momma. I will be cleaning up the kitchen today and restoring some peace to my happy place. My kitchen makes me happy; therefore it is my happy place. :)

So after all this negativity, I decided to sit down with my favorite beverage (Oh triple I love  thee) and finally do a project that I've been meaning to dreaming of doing for weeks now. Maybe I was gun shy but it's done and I'm happy with it. Of course, I have more plans for it, but I'll get to those later. 

On to the Jute Wrapped Frame!

What you need:
Empty Frame (I used an 8x10)
Jute (duh)
Hot Glue & Gun

So this is a simple and easy project, pretty quick too, as I did this project, painted/primed the lamp and put away some clutter all during the last half of Harrison's nap. :)

So you start with your hot glue. You will want to lay a thin line of glue from the outer bottom corner of your frame to the top outer corner. Lay your jute down and let the glue set. Lay a line of glue horizontally across the top of your frame face. Lay your jute into this line of glue and let it set. Put more glue onto the outer edge of your frame and then press the jute into the glue, making sure to keep your jute fairly taught. Cut your jute close to the frame. On the opposite edge, lay another line of glue, place your jute, then add another line of glue down the adjacent side of the frame face. Place your jute then add more glue to outside corner and push your jute into it.

Confused?  I hope not because I've included pictures :)

This is what your corner should look like after you've added the first two rows of jute to the frame. I did not cut my jute close to frame at first. I went back and trimmed it down after the fact.
The face of the frame should look like this.

Repeat the first step until your frame is nice and covered. If your jute starts to unravel on the edges, just add some hot glue and work it into the fibers and press the ends down. That will keep them from moving any more. :)
This is what your frame should look like after a couple of rows have been added to the whole frame. Looks like a rush seat doesn't it?
Just a bigger picture of what the frame is starting to look like.
The corners after I trimmed the ends even with the bottom of the frame. Looks much nicer.
Close up of of the corner after the frame is completely wrapped in jute. I love the texture and design!

This is the side of the frame after its wrapped. I had thought about wrapping the edge again in jute, but decided I kind of like the texture difference.
The whole frame wrapped in jute. Me likey!
Well I hope that you like this little tutorial. I have more plans for this little frame, so check back soon!

I'm linking up to:
Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!UndertheTableandDreaming SewCanDo Party

Enjoy your Friday! 


  1. Cute blog! Lots of fun to look around! I found you on New Friend Friday, and I'm your newest follower! Happy Friday!

  2. Looks great. I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. I love you blog. Can't wait to read more.


  3. Looks fabulous! Sounds like one of those days! I just love how you did the corners! Brillant! Stop by the Sunday Showcase Party if you get a chance! Hope you weekend was a bit better!

  4. Hi Heather, fantastic project! I love anything jute/burlap! My husband is famous for locking his keys in the car...he's an expert with the slim jim! :)

  5. Great idea & very thrifty. Thanks for linking up to Craftastic Monday & I'd love for you to add my party button!

  6. Thanks again for stopping by and linking up to the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you enjoy your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn
