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Change Up!

I started this blog back in February, and I had no idea about the following:

1) That I'd enjoy blogging as much as I do. I think of my blog as a job. A job that I love doing and look forward to. Its a challenge to think up new projects that are useful, attractive and affordable. Granted sometimes my tank runs dry, but there is always something to share, even if they are my random thoughts.

2) Way back in February, when I started this blog, I told my husband that I would start an Etsy shop at 100 followers. I had no idea that it would happen this soon. And I have to say....I'm terrified! I hit 100 followers at the end of last week, and I did not tell Stephen. He, of course, knew that I was close, because every time I got a new follower; I would excitedly call him up and tell him how many people liked what I was doing. Its a wonderful boon! I did not tell him, but he reads my blog every day {he's so sweet} so he knew.  :)

Its all well and good to say I'm going to do something, because usually what I say I'm going to do is fun or its so ridiculous that you know I'm joking. I was dead serious when I told him about the Etsy shop. In my early so very far away from 100 follower days, it was a fine goal to work know in October or even next January, but the time is here, and while I have signed up with Etsy and I 'have' a shop, there is nothing in it, because everything I've made so far has been given away or put to use in my house. So that means I'll need some inventory, which isn't the scary part. I'm looking forward to that. The creating and what not. What actually has me slightly scared is the possibility that I'll put up my stuff to sell and then no one will buy it, but Stephen and Dana have both said, well if that happens then you'll have stuff to give at Christmas. :) They're so sweet. :)

What really freaked scared terrified stressed me out was Monday at Hancock's Memorial Day Sale, buying fabric for pillows that would not be going into my house. Nope, I was buying stuff for the shop. Stuff for you, and I have no idea what you all like. I know what I like, but not everyone likes what I like, and that terrifies me. I know what I like and what will match and work in my house, but what if I end up with like one hideously ugly pillow that no one wants? I suppose I could donate it. :)

So July 1 will be the official opening of my Etsy shop. I plan on offering pillow slipcovers and the forms. The car.go tote will be added, but I don't know if it will be there from the start. There is some extra work to be done on that one.

Also coming is a regular Friday feature. My sister, Dana, as some of you know has a blog called Dear Food, I love you. Ok, that's not actually what she's named it, but its what I call it because honestly I can't spell her blog title without looking at it. :) Every Friday she will be writing a post for us about whatever food-related fun she's had. Her first post will be this Friday, and I am really looking forward to it, because Thursday is her 4th anniversary and she is preparing a special meal for her and hubby. She is going to share it with us on Friday, at least this is what she's told me. :)

I asked Dana to do this for two reasons: 1) to help ease my load and be able to focus on a longer project at the end of the week. Some projects are just too involved to be done in a day. 2) Dana is very open-minded and will try anything food-wise. I also really love her writing style, because like me, she types like she talks, and with her being 10-hours away it's nice to feel like she's sitting next to me. :)

I hope you all enjoy the new Friday feature, and come July 1, will at least take a look at my shop. :)

I'm also thinking of doing a What Do You Want Wednesday where you tell me what you'd like to see/try/experiment with and I'll pick one of your suggestions and attempt to make it and showcase it the following Wednesday. I'm not sure if this will be a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly thing, so let me know....After all its Wednesday. :) Leave me a comment about your thoughts. :)

There are no pictures in this post, and that's a little weird for me, so I'll leave you with these parting shots. Here are my guys at the end of April.  :)

Loving the onesie! I have so many ideas for new ones for him and the girls we know. Watch out! 

My big boy was so tired after spending all that time playing with Mommy and Harrison. Maybe he should have heeded my question of taking a nap earlier in the day. Oh well. At least he was warm and comfy inside/underneath his 'fort'  :) 

I hope I did not bore you too much with this post, but I wanted to share what was going on rather than just Bam! There it is. :)  Have a wonderful day! 


  1. Good Luck with the Etsy shop! I just opened mine last week and made my first sale today! I love making stuff for other people. I get to try out designs that I might never wear but other people might (I hope!) like. Have fun!

  2. Good luck with your Etsy shop!
    I'm following you from Tue Tag Along. Will you follow me back?
