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Holiday Weekend

So, this past weekend was a three-day weekend - and I am VERY proud to say that Mike and I kept up with our P90 routine like it was our job. :)

I'm really pleased with the (small) results I'm seeing so far and even felt comfortable enough to lay out in my bikini for a few hours Sunday and Monday. My belly is definitely toning up! Woohoo!

I started not just counting calories, but counting "points" a la Weight Watchers, thanks to my friend Holly and her extra points calculator she gifted to me. She lost 6 POUNDS the first week she was doing it, and that was without exercise! I'm hoping to get some awesome results like that!

An overview of beginning my second week of P90:

Sculpt becomes easier and easier every time, and seems to go by faster and faster. I can actually do about 5 push-ups per set now! Which, if you know anything about me, is really truly amazing. I'm still breaking a sweat 5 minutes in, so I know I'm burning those calories but it goes much more smoothly and it's really awesome to feel how strong I'm getting.

Cardio is still a bit of a challenge. Although the power yoga portion has become SIGNIFICANTLY easier, the rest of it is still quite a push. "Fast feet" and "side hops" are still next to impossible for me to do longer than about 30 seconds, so I do the "simple" version of those exercises and STILL sweat my butt off! The ab workout is still challenging for me too - especially the "full body" type exercises you do for the last 3 sets. I always thought I had super abs - but apparently not. In my not-so-super-abdominal's defense, the cardio makes for a pretty hardcore ab workout all on it's own so my poor belly muscles are all but worn out by the time we actually get to the crunches!

I'm really impressed with myself and the program so far and am really glad I decided to take on this challenge. I probably won't be posting daily as much since I feel like I'm starting to repeat the same things over and over, but I will definitely post at LEAST once a week especially now that I'm doing WW on top of the P90 if for nothing more than to track my weight and progress. :)

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