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Guess who likes me?!?

I've been awarded my first blogger award from Thrifty Ba. Its the versatile blogger award! You guys should definitely check out her blog. She's funny and I love how she writes. Also her background is orange, and if that isn't enough to get you guys to go visit then I don't know what is. I have a small love affair with orange. So visit!

the guidelines for accepting this award are...

thank the person/people who gave it to you.

{Thank you Thifty Ba}

share 7 things about yourself.
pass the award on to 15 bloggers,
whom you have recently discovered,
and think are fantastic.

So this might be difficult for me to do, because I just did a post about me. I guess I'll just have to come up with 7 more things that you don't know. :) 
  1. Devlin's name came out of a cheesy romance novel. It was the hero's name and I loved it! Stephen did not, until my Mom mentioned Kincaid. Devlin Kincaid has just got presence. :) 
  2. Harrison's name was supposed to be baseball related, but I really couldn't wrap my head around any baseball names, but I do love the name Sebastian Trot right now :) Maybe I should use this as enticement for a 3rd baby and this time keep my promise  :) 
  3. I honestly think I have coffee and milk running through my veins instead of blood. 
  4. 27 seems to be a theme for Stephen's and my relationship. His birthday and Dev's birthday are both on the 27th day (of different months) and we were married on 9/27. 
  5. I cannot sew with shoes or slippers on my right foot. Left foot can stay covered but that right foot is usually bare, or has a sock on it.
  6. Sometimes the only way I can deal with a situation is to laugh, even if it seems inappropriate, because its either laugh or cry and I hate to cry. 
  7. Last but not least! I have failed miserably at the Power 90 workout routine. I keep meaning to get back on that horse, but there are just so many better and more fun things to be doing!
Oh and just cause I want to....Here is Dev and I a little over 4 years ago!
Dev was 6 months old, and this was at Dana's wedding. I was so happy to finally be able to hold him again. I wasn't allowed to hold him until after the ceremony, because of his drooly teething :) Altho, its kind of a forced smile....Dev weighed a slight ton. :)

Here is my go to list of blogs! They are in no particular order.
  1. Helping Little Hands
  2. 6 Inches of Ribbon
  3. DillyDally and Flitter
  4. Dittle Dattle
  5. Delicious Little Streams of Consciousness
  6. [Frame Fanatic]
  7. Pink Tea
  8. Homemaking 101
  9. JanDee Crafts
  10. Jen's Ink Pen!
  11. Jenn's Corner of Heaven
  12. Just devine Style
  13. Life In My Pj's
  14. Little Apartment on the Prairie
  15. Paring Down
I have found things on these blogs that I have done/want to try/or would love to have someone do for me, cause I'm just to busy! I hope you guys enjoy them too! 

Thank you again Thrifty Ba!

Enjoy your Saturday!



  1. How the frick do you like all the names that I like??? Granted, I'm not having kids, so it's a moot point, but still! I was just telling Mike yesterday that I like the name Sebastian!

  2. Great minds and all that! :) I still really like Trot as a first name though too.....I just need a middle name that goes with it. I was kind of liking Trot Waldrop :)

  3. Thanks you so much for the award! I hope you had a great weekend:D

  4. Thank you Heather! That was nice of you to think of me. Thanks for stopping by the blog too (: Have a super week!

  5. You gals deserved it. I love reading all of your blogs :)
