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So Stephen and I should just start over on Sunday because we have not done the P90 at all since last week. Weekends really kill us. I'm hoping that by having our rest day on Saturday it might fair a little better.

On a good note though, the boys and have worked a little more physical activity into our days via the pool. We don't go to our community pool because they do not have a kiddie pool, but we have a tot pool in the backyard and I've been increasing my lifting exercises with H. :) Yay for small efforts :)


  1. It's true.. it has been a while since we've done it.. sadly it's not because I don't want to. With my current work schedule, there is no time in the morning and getting home at 7:30 PM and then having dinner, putting the kids to bed, and finally getting back downstairs between 9:30 - 10:00 .. it's nearly bed time.. there is no time in the day to even blink, let alone exercise.

    Luckily, today is my last day on this job.. soon I'll be home, and we will rediscover 4 or 5 new hours in the day.. surely we can fit the 30 minute workout without a problem.

  2. This is so funny...I did a post about my muffin top a while ago lol...I just can't get rid of him!! :)
