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Dressing for the 4th!

So every year since we moved back to Virginia, Stephen and I have hosted a 4th of July party - until this year. This year my Mom and Dad have graciously offered their home and land for the party. It also doesn't hurt that their  neighbor has ever-so-graciously allowed us to watch his fireworks display.

That being said, my house is still going to look patriotic on the 4th and that's what I did today. Gave her a quick make-over and finished some lingering projects. So here's what she looks like now!

Here's the new wreath. I've never had a 4th of July wreath. I used to be a 4+1 wreath person. 4 seasons + Christmas. I don't think Stephen is going to like this if this is the new trend. :)  I also ran out of fabric for my rag wreath, so I wrapped the open spot with jute, then found some clearance flowers at  Michael's. Added some ribbon and VOILA'! Perfection. I'm really digging the drape-y flowers. :) Thankfully I now have my kitchen desk back, because that's where the wreath sat until today....

The tiered serving tray has had the silver ribbon garland wrapped around it since Dev's first birthday in '06. Its very festive and easy. :) The red table is a project that's still in progress. I need to finish it's doors. :( Bad Heather. 
 The table is all dressed with no one to feed.....Sounds like a bad song to me :) 

The centerpiece is a strawberry pot filled with red hibiscus, blue foil stars and the picks. I remember seeing something similar to this in Martha Stewart a few years back. She had red carnations in white pots. I worked with what I had. :) 

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Well the house is dressed, and should I have any surprise guests (or Dana.....she flies in on FRIDAY!!!) the house is showing her patriotic colors! What have you guys got planned for the 4th? Have a wonderful day and enjoy!


  1. The wreath is GORGEOUS! Don't take this the wrong way, but I LOVE how it's so different- with the flowers hanging down, and the colors are just a little bit different from the traditional red, white, and blue. It's stunning :]

  2. i want to drop by-that is fabulous!

  3. love your wreath- now following from csi

  4. Your wreath is really pretty! I love the fabric you used and the flowers, too. I've never been a big wreath person either (actually, up until now, I only had a fall wreath and a Christmas wreath), but I also created one for the 4th of July. There's just something about that red, white, and blue that is so festive and happy!

  5. Love the wreath!! Love that really big flower print in the dining room too!! Compliments your arrangements nicely.

  6. I adore your patriotic spirit. It is red, white and bluetiful!

    I hope you will stop by for a bbq on a white tablecloth. :)

  7. Thank you for the love! I had a lot of fun with all of this, although I was nervous about the faith in my flower arranging skills is not very high so I'm always nervous about committing the flowers.

    @Laura - There is a reason that there are no close-ups of that white table cloth :) There is some greasey love on it that bleach couldn't get out :)

  8. The wreath looks perfect with those drape-y flowers. Thanks for linking with Fabric Fun Thursday. Reminder, pls. don't forget to add my button or blog to your post. ;)

  9. I love the flowers just dripping off of your wreath. That will be appropriate long after the fourth, too, so don't take it down right away!

  10. What a great idea with the wreath. I have yet to make a wreath for our home for any holiday...someday.

  11. I was never a wreath person.....until I started living in houses :) The front doors always looked wanting when they were bare.

  12. That wreath is stunning! Love the flowers and how they are draping down! Great job!

  13. ooohhhh! I love that wreath! I think the drapey flowers with the ribbon make it! Lucky me for finding your blog! I'm a new follower!
