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Do you hear that?

I do. That lovely sound would be ALL of my joints and muscles screaming in protest to moving and even, just maybe, thinking about moving.

Steve and I did the Cardio and Ab Ripper tonight and they should definitely be called "Let's bring on a heart attack or blown out joint" and "Time to kill you some more, but this time you can lie down while we do it." So the titles are a little long, but seriously, I was afraid that during some of the cardio I'd put down one of my legs and I would just keep going because my knee slipped out of joint again, and wouldn't that be craptacular? Trying to get healthy and lose weight, and oh! Wait! You're out for at least a week, probably three because your knees are so bad. Thankfully, that didn't happen. I took it slow and stopped for breaks more often than Stephen did, but my knees, while sometimes they felt loose, and they were cracking up a storm, are still connected. :)

Also, I enjoy doing pilates and yoga, but damn....that power yoga at the beginning kicked my rump. It was hard to bring my legs from a downward dog into a runners position. I have LONG legs. My waist to floor measurement is 48". Yep...I'm ALL leg. My grandfather used to tell me I had legs up to my shoulders, and he was mostly right. My torso is only about 16" long, but it used to be 14". I guess some fat will do that to ya. :)

I have to be honest here and say - I am not looking forward to the rest of this week.


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, don't tell me this!! This will be what I get to do this tonight... eff. I hate power yoga. That's actually probably part of why doing yoga everyday for three months did very little for me in the fitness/weightloss realm because I have a hard time with power yoga. And yes! It DOES make you feel like you're going to have a heart attack!!! I'm also not good at going from down-dog to runners lunge... it just doesn't happen.

    I'm very excited for the ab-ripper though! I love good tough ab workouts!
