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It's like Deja Vu all over again...

You can say that again. It's like Deja Vu all.. ahh forget it. Tonight we had a miscommunication and ended up doing Sculpt 1-2 again, instead of Sweat 1-2 & Ab Ripper. We're going to do day 2 for day 3 and then continue on from there so that Sunday is still our Rest day and we will have done all the steps we were supposed to.

Yesterday when we did day 1, I did not have any type of weights/bands and Heather only had some very small 2lb weights that she used during her pilates. Needless to say, those resistance bands not only work, but make a BIG difference. I was slightly sore this morning, but it was a good sore. I have a feeling tomorrow morning is going to be a completely different story. I am very sore tonight, again a good sore. I don't hurt to the point where I can't move, but wow, I wasn't expecting that.

I am not comfortable posting the pictures of myself yet.. perhaps when I see a difference I will post a side by side. You'll also notice that on the side of the site I have my waist as the "measure" for how well I am doing. I haven't decided if I want to keep waist or move to weight.. perhaps I can do both.

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