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If I was Wonder Woman

The effect is nice, and exactly what
I wanted, but yea...not gonna happen.
So this weekend I had a major minor setback with the room. I was doing some stenciling, and there was no way I could finish it by myself, ever. If I had super powers, then maybe I would have been able to finish it. Scaffolding probably would have helped also.

I spent two hours and got 9 repeats done of this stencil. I was working on my bed, because I figured that if I got dizzy and fell {and I did get dizzy} it would at least be soft, but then I remembered that I was holding a wet paint roller. Doh! Oh well, at least I never fell or accidentally painted the wall/ceiling. So that's good, I suppose.
Sorry for the picture, but I was lying
down, face up on my bed for this. 

I did, however, think of another option for my stenciling dilemma and it arrived today. So excited!

I also did a bit of shopping at the Salvation Army store, and scored some good finds! I found some nightstands for our bedroom, along with a cut glass lamp, little bicycle figurine and a wine carafe. The nightstands were $45, and then rest of the stuff came in at $15. You have to love 25% off Wednesdays. :)

Then off to Target, and after exploring the $1 section while a thunderstorm raged outside, I found some cute tins with stars punched out of the top.

So here are my pretties right now. The bicycle has home in the bookcase, and the lamp is getting painted. The carafe will eventually hold some flowers, once I figure out how to arrange them, and the tins...well I have an idea, but it's not fully there yet. :)
There's my messy boy! He's been having fun with biter biscuits. Thank goodness bath time is after dinner! Pay no mind to the metal tin chock full of bibs. :) 

This bike was a complete impulse buy, but I like him. Apparently there is a photo somewhere of my great-grandfather on one of these things. I think I must find this photo! 

 I hope you guys are having better luck in your painting endeavors! I did make some headway on the sewing for my room, but H has been off this week. His third tooth came in on Mother's Day, and since then he's not been napping the way he has been. It makes it very difficult to escape to my sewing room, especially with Steve's schedule. Hopefully, I can carve out more time to get it done.

If I had a super power, I think I would choose to be able to slow down time or stop it completely. I could get my crafts done and then be able to spend a little more time with my babies while they're babies. I love Devlin dearly, but sometimes that 4 year-old attitude has me wishing for the days when I could just pick him up and sing to him and he'd smile and everything would be alright. :) Although, I do LOVE the fact that he tells me out of the blue that he loves me, or that he needs love. :)

Ok, so the post got a little sappy, and I think it's a good place to turn off my computer, go upstairs and kiss my babies, for the umpteenth time today, and then head to bed, because obviously I am in need of a good night's sleep. Hopefully tomorrow, my super powers will work and I'll be able to get ahead of my 7 mile long to-do list. :)

I hope everyone else is having more luck with their craftiness, and have a wonderful day!

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