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Tony Horton Sounds Like a Bad Skate Rink DJ

Yes, I'm a touch snarky today. I hurt. Not a lot, but enough to be in a bad mood about it. Nothing a cup of coffee won't fix though.

So I got the thinking yesterday that maybe I should change my diet, but then I got the thinking that I like the way I eat. I don't snack a whole lot. We eat a lot of fresh veggies and we're smart about carbs and protein. For instance, last night's dinner was chicken and rice bake and roasted asparagus. The chicken was dark meat, but only because I like it better than breast meat. The Cream of Mushroom soup in the recipe was low sodium, as I can't handle a lot of salt anyways, and there is only a cup or 2 of rice in it, and once the white rice we have is used up we're switching to brown rice. The asparagus had a light coating of butter spray and then just seasoned with a little bit of salt and bit more pepper and then broiled for about 10 minutes. See, not that unhealthy. :) So I am not going to change my eating habits, because I like the way I eat, and even though I'm not really pleased with Mr. Horton right now, I can and will get over it. :)

So now, Day 2 involves jumping jacks, and as any larger-breasted woman knows.....those hurt! I know I should do them, but really I can only do a few, because it hurts and its hard to do them while placing your arms over your chest. I'll get there. One of the reasons I wanted to lose weight was to  have a smaller cup size, but I can't wait until that starts to happen. I've been DDD for too long. :)

Ok, I'm going to go find a cup of coffee now and begin the healing process. :)


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